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Image by Bima Rahmanda

Welcome to the BUS404 Course:


With Prof. Dr. Okey Lawrence Emeagwali

Office Hours: Tuesdays, 12-3pm

LinkedIn: @lawrence.emeagwali

Strategic Management is a powerful tool for designing, rethinking and revitalizing strategy with the aim of  driving organizational performance.  Drawing on right-brained creativity and left-brained analytics, this strategic management  course  empowers you to broaden your strategic perspective and enables you acquire the vital skill of developing strategic solutions to the numerous strategic issues organizations (irrespective of size) face.



The BUS404 - Strategic Management course is a 3 credit undergraduate course designed to introduce the concept of strategic management to final year students of management. As a capstone course, it requires prerequisite knowledge of the functional level courses taught in the management program from first year to third year.


A detailed description of the course curriculum as well as links to supporting materials can be found in the section below:

  • Introduction to Systematic Reviews
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  • Reviewing your Systematic Review
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Here you'll find a weekly breakdown of topics to be covered during the semester as well as links to weekly materials

Image by GR Stocks

Introduction to Strategy

The Nature of Strategic Management

General Introduction

What Strategy is.

What Strategy is not.

Image by Damir Kopezhanov

Corporate Governance

Understanding Corporate Governance

Chapter 2 

Fundamentals of Corporate Governance

Corporate Boards and CG Regulations


External Environments

Analyzing External Environmental Factors

Chapter 3 

Examining the External Environment

Developing an EFAS table

Course Links

Pre-Midterm Quiz (Qz1)

Covering Chapers 1 to 4

Pre - Midterm Quiz Covering the Introduction, Corporate Governance and External Environmental Factors.

WEEK 4 | Access Quiz
Image by Crew

Internal Environments

Analyzing Internal Environmental Factors

Examining the Internal Environment

Developing an IFAS Table.

Chess Game

Strategy Formulation

Formulating Basic Business Strategies

How to Formulate Strategies

Developing SFAS Tables

Developing a TOWS Matrix


Strategy Implementation

Executing Business Strategies

Strategy Implementation

Developing Implementation Programs

Monitoring & Evaluating Strategies


Pre-Final Quiz (Qz 2)

Covering Chapters 5,7 & 9

Pre - Final Quiz Covering Internal Environmental Factors, Strategy Formulation and Strategy Implementation

WEEK 9 | Access Quiz
Image by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu

End of Class Survey

Optional Class Feedback Survey

Voluntary Class Feedback Survey.

Access Survey
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